Virtual Conference

This is where you can find useful tips and helpful information regarding the Association's second-annual virtual conference! If you can't find the answer to your question here, feel free to contact us at or 610-708-3010 or use the help chat in the upper right of the menu.


To take full advantage of your registration, log in with your Association member credentials (how you sign into, and review the layout and how you will move from session to session.

Maximize your experience! Add a profile picture and update your profile from MY DASHBOARD so others can interact with you. Filling in your profile also allows you to utilize the MATCHMAKING and SESSION RECOMMENDATIONS features of the platform.

Navigate to SCHEDULE OF EVENTS to view the conference schedule and sessions. ADD TO MY SCHEDULE to favorite sessions and find them later or enter a session and use the ADD TO CALENDAR to add to your personal calendar. Note that some sessions are LIVE and others are RECORDED.

Connect with other attendees by using MESSAGES, request other attendee's virtual business cards, or vCARDS, by clicking on their profiles, and even create ROOMS and set up meetings using the conference platform!

Or GO BEYOND! and visit our RAPID-FIRES, play The First Five Minutes, watch the GARDEN BRACKET CHALLENGE videos, or take a Virtual GARDEN TOURS.

Our full schedule is now available on the website! CLICK HERE to see the full roster of educational sessions, workshops, and special events.

I can't make it to a session. Will a recording of the session by made available later? 

The short answer is YES! When you click on a session, if the banner at the top says that the session is RECORDED, you can revisit this session any time after the initial showing and watch, including those sessions that are concurrent! If the banner at the top says LIVE, the majority of these sessions will be available for viewing as quickly as possible. Our video editing team is hard at work behind the scenes bringing these to you after the LIVE session is over. Please note that coffee chats and some evening entertainment will not be available as a recording. Access to recordings will remain available using the conference website for as long as you retain your Association login.

I've added sessions to my calendar. How do I join them? 

There are two ways in which you can bookmark sessions you hope to attend -- "Add to my Schedule" or "Add to Calendar". Sessions that you "Add to my Schedule" will be accessible from My Schedule under MY DASHBOARD. Click into the session to join! "Add to Calendar" will create a calendar invite on your personal calendar to block these session times, but sessions must be accessed from the conference platform, you can not join directly from your personal calendar. 

I've checked out the Message Center, but I want to talk with more than one person at a time. Can I do that? 

Sure can! When in the Message Center, click on the Rooms tab. You can join an existing room by sending a private message to one of the room's participants asking to be added or you create a new one. When you create a room, you can invite up to FIVE other people to join you or wait for others to join based on the name of your room. Use a room for group chats or video calls.

Can I share access details or my computer screen with others?

No. For cost and experience purposes, we ask that individual staff at our member organizations use the honor system and purchase a registration for themselves alone and avoid sharing access with fellow colleagues who have not paid to attend. We sincerely thank you for your understanding and cooperation in these efforts.

When will I receive access to the session recordings? 

Pre-recorded sessions are currently available to watch, and re-watch, as you wish. Live sessions will become available over the next few weeks, ideally by no later than early July. Please note that some of the live sessions, such as the Morning Coffee Chats and certain Evening Events, were not recorded in order to create a balanced experience and facilitate open and meaningful conversations. If you already registered, simply log in to access these recordings. 

If you didn't register for the live event but wish to purchase conference recordings after the fact, stay tuned for more information! We hope to have registration re-opened for on-demand purchasing in the next few weeks. Feel free to email us at with any questions!


How is the Association handling accessibility needs for the Virtual Conference?

The Association is committed to making the Virtual Conference accessible to all. All sessions and recordings will be closed captioned. While registering, you will be prompted to indicate any accessibility needs. We will follow up with you prior to the meeting to provide resources or obtain more information. If you require specific accommodation not listed here, please contact


What are the Association's refund policies for this event?

All refund or cancellation requests must be made in writing to the American Public Gardens Association.


Before 6/6/2021: The Association will refund registration fees less a $25 processing fee. 

After 6/6/2021: There are NO REFUNDS available after the conference starts. Since all registrants will have access to recorded sessions after the conference, there will be no refunds given for technical difficulties encountered during the conference's livestreams.  

Who can I contact if I have further questions about the refund policy or payment in general?

Please direct all questions regarding payment to or 610-708-3010.

Who can I contact if I want to become a member?

For membership information, visit our website or feel free to contact Jamie Recio, Member Development Manager, at 610.708.3014 or (To receive the discounted rates, membership dues must be received with or prior to your registration.) 

Are there other policies the Association has regarding the Virtual Conference?

Yes! See below for our Anti-Harrassment and Attendee List Scam Policies:

Anti-Harrassment Policy

The American Public Gardens Association is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience at any and all Association events. We seek to provide a conference environment in which diverse attendees learn, network, and enjoy the company of other attendees in a professional environment. The Association does not tolerate harassment in any form. Discriminatory language, behavior, or imagery that renders discomfort in others is not appropriate. Those who violate these standards risk being immediately barred from further event participation or referred to appropriate authorities.

The Association and Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility

The American Public Gardens Association is committed to creating an equitable, diverse and inclusive culture where the contributions of all community members are valued, respected and appreciated. The Association also seeks to encourage and support its members in creating this same culture within their own institutions. 

Just as the gardens and landscapes we present are biologically diverse and engaging, we seek to consistently re-examine our professional values, modify our existing practices and remove barriers to being diverse and inclusive. Click here to read our full policy statement.

Attendee List Scam Warning

A common occurrence that can come with large industry conferences and trade shows in recent years, is the possibility that outside companies may contact attendees, sponsors, and exhibitors, claiming to offer our attendee lists. Please be advised, that no company has our permission to distribute or sell any email lists of attendees for our events. How did they get your email address? Software programs can crawl websites in search of email addresses that are listed on them (identifiable by the "@" sign).

If you receive an email offering to sell you a list of conference attendees, DO NOT respond to it. By responding–even with a request to unsubscribe–you confirm that your email address is a valid one, which may increase the likelihood that you'll be contacted again.

Who can I contact if I have further general questions about the virtual conference?

Feel free to contact us using the help chat, or 610-708-3010 if you can't find the answer to your question here.


Thank you for stopping by! We look forward to seeing you (virtually) again soon.


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